Myths Of Sustainable Business

Solitaire Townsend’s stories. Entrepreneur, author & sustainability solutionist. Forbes.

Myth #1: People say one thing but do another, aka value-action gap.

Let’s start with a big one. People across the world say they want to buy ethically and sustainably – that they will pay more for sustainable products, and make purchase decisions based on a product’s sustainability. But then, when a brand launches their new sustainable line, it’s crickets. This paradox often feels painfully true, as many brands have found out and then spent a long time recovering from the burn that ‘people won’t buy green’.

But this phenomenon is not down to consumers being fickle. It’s a failure of marketing.

Take non-dairy milk. Consumers had been saying for years that they wanted a milk alternative that was better for their health and for the planet, while leaving cartons of soy milk languishing on health food shop shelves. Then, in 2016, Oatly stepped out of Sweden and onto the world stage. It was the first to make a milk alternative feel desirable and normal. A few irreverent ads, some bold on-pack carbon footprint data and a savvy barista edition later, and Oatly has taken the market by storm. The company sold $421.4 million worth of products worldwide in 2020, an increase of 106% on the year before. Now, demand for milk alternatives is outstripping supply.

The lesson? There is only a difference between consumers’ words and actions when their needs aren’t met. Offer them an attractive, delicious, exciting product and sell it well – and they’ll buy it, I promise.

Myth #2: Sustainability is a ‘cost centre’

It’s true that making a product or service more sustainable, or developing a new sustainable offering, takes money. Everything worth doing does. But this budget shouldn’t be seen as a cost. Spent well, sustainability budgets are an investment with a solid return.

Take IKEA. Seeing that mass production and affordability could mean homewares were following fashion’s path into becoming disposable ‘fast furniture’, IKEA wanted to prompt a change in direction. They introduced a buy-back scheme that was just as good for the planet as it was for their bottom line. In FY20, 39 million of its 62 million potential waste products were repackaged and resold. In 2019, the company recorded its first ever reduction in absolute climate footprint, and in the same period, its sales grew by 6.5%. There’s a clear business case for sustainability, and it should be driving entrepreneurialism in your business.

Myth #3: We are already doing enough

I hear this everywhere, and it’s an easy trap to fall into. So many brands want ‘credit for what we’ve already done’. But, although doing something might feel like doing enough, it’s simply not – neither in the eyes of sustainability experts nor, more importantly, in the eyes of your consumers.

Consumers’ bar for ‘enough’ is higher than you think. More than two thirds (68%) of US consumers say that in order to feel comfortable buying from a brand, they expect it to be clear about its values and to take a stand on them. And 59% of adults are ‘disappointed’ in big name brands that still haven’t got their sustainability initiatives right. In a world of worsening environmental crisis and social inequity, try to take credit for what you’ve already done isn’t going to work – because compared to the problem it looks inadequate. 

So, what does enough look like? It’s stating what your business believes in and making sure every action you take is aligned behind it, every time and everywhere. It’s creating new solutions that tackle both climate and justice. It’s going above and beyond, and showing as well as telling.

These myths are more like mythical monsters, blocking businesses’ path to better sustainability actions and communications. Now they’re banished, how does that change the next chapter of your business’s story?

Presented by Forbes/Windmush.



This blog, Windmush, by Curt is about different "Time Zones" in life. The name Windmush, can be find in old Jack London books about a Husky called Mush, also called Buck. This dog reflects my childhood as I was also left by my parents to live with another family. But by the age of 15 I left to see the world by my own and ....I became Windmush !

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About Me

Curt Bergsten, born in Sweden 1948, has worked and traveled to know 52 countries around the world, now the last 25 years living in Spain and working with large Real Estates dealing as, Hotel assets, Land &Developing areas.

Curt Bergsten, is also the author of the e-book’s, The Power of Quality Thinking and Power your TimeZone.

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