A vision for the future, #Timezones.

Laws of Nature are to be distinguished both from Scientific Laws and from Natural Laws. Neither Natural Laws, as invoked in legal or ethical theories, nor Scientific Laws, which some researchers consider to be scientists’ attempts to state or approximate the Laws of Nature, Instead, it explores issues in contemporary metaphysics.

The nature should be left as it was……..

Mother Earth divided the globe in Zones! But we the” modern” human race does not respect the law of nature.

For only 500 years ago, all-natural Zones were intact!

Here are some examples.

  • The rice was only grown in Asia.
  • The potato could only be found in South America.
  • The tropical fruits did not grow in Europe.
  • The different tree’s used for timber and building grew in its own environment.
  • The Maize cobs was only grown by the Aztecans and Mayas in Mexico.
  • The cane sugar came from India.
  • The coffee was only used in Ethiopia, where it originated and was causally related to religious practices.

All these plants and trees were only used in its origin environment but are now used as economic interests.

So, what has all this to do with Time-Zones?

The fact that humanity has changed the whole environmental system mostly for economic reasons. The natural zones are mostly gone, for god or bad. The worlds Time-Zones have not been respected by the population. Take Africa as an example. This continent with its natural resources is the riches continent in the world. But why is the poverty so widespread? The economic greed by other countries is almost” pumping” out all that has values. In other continents whole cultural heritages have been destroyed.

How will the future Time-Zones look like in another 100 years from now? This cannot be answered by anyone on this Earth. We should not only blame the climate change! One way to improve the global situation can be an overall agreement to give back all regions the rights to their natural resources to strength the economy. Similar to the system of rights and royalties for Music, Books and Patents! Many of those rights has been stolen!

“It is often claimed that “there is nothing more outdated than science fiction.” Indeed, history is awash with speculation on future ways of living, as futurists imagine how advancements in technology, trends, and social norms could alter how we live, and what we live in. The period between 1958 and 1963 could be described as “The Golden Age. Some of this era’s wildest ideas centered on how the houses of the future would look.”

This can be a natural way to go back” in time and recover the environmental balance in the world and at the same moment solve a large part of the overpopulated areas.

All this has to do with the understanding of Time-Zones on our Globe. Some people are looking for another planet to live on! That is to run away from the reality in the World that you are living in.

Remember that our Mother Earth will still be here long after that we are gone! You are only one of Billions…..

Manage your Time-Zone wisely while you still can!

Thank you for reading,




This blog, Windmush, by Curt is about different "Time Zones" in life. The name Windmush, can be find in old Jack London books about a Husky called Mush, also called Buck. This dog reflects my childhood as I was also left by my parents to live with another family. But by the age of 15 I left to see the world by my own and ....I became Windmush !

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About Me

Curt Bergsten, born in Sweden 1948, has worked and traveled to know 52 countries around the world, now the last 25 years living in Spain and working with large Real Estates dealing as, Hotel assets, Land &Developing areas.

Curt Bergsten, is also the author of the e-book’s, The Power of Quality Thinking and Power your TimeZone.

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