The nature divided mother earth in zones, land, oceans, warm & cold places, rainforests, and desserts. But we, the “modern” raze has not respected or understood the law of nature!
For only five hundred years ago all natural zones were still intact.
I will give you some examples:
- The rice was only grown in Asia.
- The potato could only be found in South America.
- The tropical fruits were not grown in Europa.
- The different trees and timber used for building and housing grew in their own ambit.
- The Aztecs in Central America grew maize/corn.
- The cane sugar, in India.
- The coffee plant, in Ethiopia and Yemen.
All these plants and trees were at time only used in its origin environment, without trade restrictions!
So, what has all this to do with #timezones?
The fact is that the human raze has changed the whole environment system, mostly for economic reasons.
The natural Zones are gone for good and bad. The worlds #Timezones has not been respected by the population. Take Africa as an example. This continent with its natural resources is the riches place on earth! But why is the poverty so widely spread?
The economic greed, by other countries have practical pumped out all its value. In other continents whole cultural heritage has been destroyed by greed.
How will the future #timezones look like another one hundred years from now? This can not be answered by anyone on this earth! You can not only blame the climate change for all this!
The only way to improve this situation (my opinion) can be a global agreement to give back all regions their rights to its natural recourses, and to strength the economic situation. A system as the copy rights of music, books, and patents could be used in a more sophisticated way. Several of these rights has already been stolen, to leave the owners to live in poverty, another way of greed.
This can be a “natural” way to go back in time and recover the environment balance in this world, and at the same moment solve a large part of the population problem.
All this has to do with the understanding of #Timezones at our globe. A group of people are already looking for other planets to habitat! That is to run away from the reality in a world where you were born.
Remember, that our mother earth will still be here long after we are gone. You are only a tiny little grain and one of billions….
Manage your #Timezones wisely while you still can and enjoy our natural life.
Thank you for reading my post,
Windmush/Curt 12-10-2022