Now that a deal has been agreed and signed at the climate summit in Glasgow, you might be left wondering what it will mean for you…….!?
A switch to greener power? Yes….! But will we be able to produce enough energy to supply all electric cars?
We must start paying more taxes for carbon based fuel, to produce energy! The world has not found an alternative to coal and crude oil, up to this date, 2021. This will result in higher electricity bills!
Will we have to pay more for the food? Yes, if there are less farming areas, prices will rise!
Related topics:
A new way of thinking?
Delivering a net zero transition should ultimately result in happier, healthier lifestyles, or no?
The question should be less about what you will lose under “net zero” and more about what you could gain. But will you agree to this?
What has influenced your thinking, regarding all the famous people speaking about how to save the planet?
In my opinion, only Bla,bla,bla….,( not any smarter than you and myself.)
Opinions by Curt Bergsten, Windmush