#worlduppdates from space.
The first time when a photo was captured at the far side of the moon, was in 1959!
The Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 took 29 photos by a specially designed AFA camera and transmitted directly to the earth.
In December 1968 NASA sent three people — Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders — all the way around the moon and back for the Apollo 8 mission. They became the first humans in history not only to escape from low Earth orbit but also to see the elusive far side.
When the Apollo 8 spacecraft flew around the far side of the moon, the signal to Earth was cut off for around 10 minutes. The secret what really happened has never been reviled, but rumors has been told that they saw something very strange.

Will the Chinese revile what these mystery buildings are? Is it an ancient launch place or was the moon once inhabited???
I will be back when we find out!
Windmush, 7 of December 2021