The Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition has proposed prioritizing a Spain-Morocco interconnection project in its recently published planning proposal for 2021-2026.
By 2026, the Spanish government plans to have a new circuit in the Morocco-Spain interconnection and a new interconnection between Spain and Andorra. It also seeks to construct a Spain-France interconnection through the Bay of Biscay and reinforce the Spain-Portugal northern axis.
Red Electric of Spain (REE) explains that “[international] interconnections are the set of lines and substations that enable the exchange of energy between neighboring countries.”
Will this be our new supplyer with the new high electric bills?
The EU goverments has been blaiming the high prices because of oil and gas, imported from Russia and Arabic countries! Now a new source of clean sun power from the Marocco dessert will be the main supplyer to Spain and Portugal, but will the prices ever go down? No, this has been a tactic for the goverments to gain massive taxes!
The interconnection could bring in revenues of €140 million to the Spanish electricity system, gained from tolls and congestion rent since an auction system for the management of the exchange capacity could be implemented.
Clean energy from the Sun or Wind, are the cheapest sources, but the price will even higer then before! Do we have to pay the losses of Oil and coal!? Is this the solution form the COP26?
Windmush will be back to tell you.