Every year a huge conference called COP is organized somewhere in the world and 10-20.000 people are traveling by airplane to be there. Hotels are overbooked and convention halls full.
Many of this people are there only to enjoy this event, to later make a few statements.
At COP26 a statement was made unilateral to reach new measurements by 2030, this was later ratified to year 2040….!? They had not calculated the enormous cost and who should pay for it. Another year past, without concrete results. What are the real costs of this show? We will never find out!
Goals where made:
- Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.
- Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats.
- Mobilize finance.
- Work together to deliver.
Fantastic achievement…!? with almost 30.000 delegates working together….?
Do you hear any comments from your governments how these goals will be accomplished?
Private inventors and large companies are struggling to find solutions that the politics, cannot achieve.

An excellent example on private achievement is the founder of the company Biomason, Ginger Krieg Dosier.
BIOMASON is a unique biotechnology start-up manufacturing company with a natural process that will revolutionize the building and construction industry, by using natural microorganisms to manufacture biological cement-based masonry building materials. The company mission is, to replace traditional methods for manufacturing concrete and fired clay materials by growing ex-situ cement products using clean bio-chemical processes in ambient temperatures; without compromising the natural environment.
This is constructive thinking! All private ideas should be rewarded by COP, not the politicians.
Sadly, to say, most small investors/companies, will never be able to finish their inventions for the lack of funds, that could have been created by governments and COP itself. The world could be a better place to live in, if the bureaucrats woke up!
I have my own experience after inventing an oil decontamination vessel and a horizontal wind turbine in the 80’s, which have never been produced. But that’s life, be happy!
I will be back soon with some news regarding our planet Earth (Tellus).