We all live in a TimeZone that is today, but sometimes we need to think back in time and remember that things were also working without the technology of today, as Microsoft, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Google.
I live today, but I also lived yesterday, but of course my life is also the future.
People that today are younger than me, did not live in my past, and I will not be living in their future.
This can be hard to accept and understand, for some people. The TimeZones in life are something that always existed, and you can’t change that, unless you have made an influence that can change the future. That is called, progress and inventions.
Universe is always moving into new TimeZones! We still don’t know how it started and we will never find out what will happen in the future, we are just a brick in the “development”.
As a person you were born, you will live during your TimeZone, and after you will die and be gone forever. Same thing happening with every living thing on earth, simple like that.
Take care of your live time here on earth, enjoy yourself and make other people happy. It is so much easier that way! Learn to know yourself to be able to make your mind grow and develop your TimeZone into a positive experience. Turn your weakness into positive power by quality thinking. Read books about positive thinking, and successful people, it is more powerful than surfing on internet.
Money is not the solution of happiness, but it sure makes life easier. Its not a matter of getting rich, it is to find the right time to invest in yourself. You must take control over your TimeZone!
To get rich takes time! You can never work to get rich. A normal person, work to get paid. Rich people believe the reason to work, is to invest.
The best way to find your own TimeZone, are to define your priorities and live happy.
You can find out more about the definition regarding how to use your TimeZone in my book, Power your TimeZone: Amazon, B08PC9TM4K
#Windmush, Curt