How will the world manage to survive without Covid subsidy?
When will we recover the lost amounts of sales, that disappeared the first six months of lockdowns?
How long time will the governments keep on forcing vaccine to the population?
These are some answers that many of us are waiting for.
Is there a reason to not keeping up with disinfections, like in the beginning of the epidemy, or don’t the authorities want it to be stopped for economic reasons? The Chinese still work fulltime with disinfection of public areas, with success!
I don’t believe that the beautiful idea of, “One World for everyone”, will be possible for a long time ahead. Each Continent has its culture and traditions that effects the economy, it should be kept that way. As well as the difference in politics, how to handle crisis like the one we all have suffered the last years until 2022. Within a few years we will find out who did it right.
I wrote an article back in 2019 regarding the effect of Covid and I still think the future will be changed in that direction.
Don’t let the electronic an IT companies rule the economic world, lets go back to basic business that has a stronger and more creative future.
Leisure has taken over a large part of many countries’ economy. This is all well for the Hotel and Tourist industry, but we all cant sit down in a sunchair and make money on the crypto market. Production business should be kept within each country’s borders, not to depend on cheep import from other places.
I am sure that many of my readers, don’t agree with me, but someone will.
Thank you for reading,
Windmush/Curt. February, 2022.