Yesterday’s angry speech by Vladimir Putin was about rewriting the history of Ukraine. “You didn’t want us to be friends, but you didn’t have to make an enemy of us”, he addressed.
The peace treaty negotiations between the countries who were involved in World War II resulted in a magnification of miscommunication and awareness of present societal differences thus causing the beginning of the Cold War, that took years to end.
Are we in the same situation today?
Today’s Wars Are Based on a Fundamental Misunderstanding of History.
Until we correct it, we can count on ceaseless, tragic war, like following example:
“Vietnam: It’s always there. Looming in the past, informing American futures. A 50-year-old war, once labeled the longest in our history, is still alive and well and still being refought by one group of Americans: the military high command. And almost half a century later, they’re still losing it and blaming others for doing so”.
Another misunderstanding that never was necessary and ended up in a tragic war.
I believe that The European countries should be able to find a peaceful solution with Russia, without threats and without involving US……… After all we are living in the same continent!
Hope that this will end in a peaceful way for us all.