As I wrote in my previous article, Russia is waging a war that is outdated. President Putin has chosen a “rational” war more likely to the failure of the Nazis in World War II. He has shown himself as a power-mad dictator who runs a country he has not been able to govern, therefore he goes back in stories to remember the glorious days when his country was led by cruel rulers.
In recent years, the President of Russia has tried to create an idol image of himself, in full Hollywood style, as a rider, or expert in judo and other self-defense methods. At the same time, his private fortunes have increased to levels like That of Bill Gates and Elon Musk, which he has admittedly tried to hide.
However, he has shown a cowardice in his warfare by sending his troops of young and inexperienced soldiers to the first line of war. Moreover, his logistics in war tactics have become a total failure.
This failure has resulted in an “outbreak of rage” that has resulted in an uncontrolled attack with bombs hitting everything that is not part of a tactical warfare, such as hospitals, housings and schools. President Putin has proven to be a falling star, who will not remain in people’s hearts as an idol.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of help from NATO, Ukraine will fall, after this pointless war. This will make many people feel ashamed in the years to come! I myself have had several friends and colleagues from Ukraine during my lifetime, who now wonder what this friendship means. What have we all done to stop this terribly unnecessary war?
Useless negotiations have gone on to no avail. Economic austerity has been announced. But since the partner in the negotiations, President Putin, keeps his threat of nuclear war, the result is thereafter.
Several war criminals have been wiped out by AI technology, in the form of a drone attack, but not in this case.
Thank you for reading, and God bless Ukraine and its people.
Windmush/Curt. 12-03-2022