Add something more to your life…it will pay off in the end!
“Thomas Alva Edison failed more than 1000 times, before
he finally invented the light bulb! He added something
more to reach success!”
Your success can depend on your definition of the Time-Zone,
but remember to share with others, if you don´t….
you may be keeping a secret without reaching your result!
Your time at earth has unfortunately a limited time, let’s
say a maximum of 100 years (My grandma reached 102!)
This “100 years” are first divided in blocks as I showed
you in an earlier page. In every block of your life, you can
control how to use your time in your favor. Unless the
first 10 years of your life, when it all depends on your
If you find that your body and brain work best between
6.00 pm until noon, this is your Time-Zone!
Now you can use this valuable time to do things that you feel
comfortable to do!
It can be for your health and family, or to work with your
investments on the stock exchange. You must use this
time the best possible way to reach your results. You
must be in control of your Time-Zone!
Maybe your Time-Zone are at night? In that case use it as
your most productive time.
You can also split your hours during the day into zones,
with amounts of hours that you use for your family, work,
health, friends, and sleep. Always using your most
effective time the way that feel comfortably.

Another Time-Zone can be planned in years. For example,
you decide to use 3 whole years for a new project. Or use
a year to study something that earlier not been able to.
You can set one of your goals to retire at 50 and
thereafter start your Time-Zone as a pensioner. But
before that you must control your time to be able to
accomplish your goal. It depends on yourself how
effective you are in your Time-Zones!
Your mind-Your decision!
Thanks for reading!