“SANTIAGO, May 25 (Reuters) – Bacteria in Antarctica have been discovered with genes that give them natural antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance and have the potential to spread out of the polar regions, according to scientists in Chile.
Andres Marcoleta, a researcher from the University of Chile who headed the study published in the Science of the Total Environment journal in March, said that these “superpowers” which evolved to resist extreme conditions are contained in mobile DNA fragments that can easily be transferred to other bacteria.
We know that the soils of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the polar areas most impacted by melting ice, host a great diversity of bacteria,” Marcoleta said. “And that some of them constitute a potential source of ancestral genes that confer resistance to antibiotics.”
Other researchers stated that every time they drilled a hole in Antarctica, it was teeming with microbes. They affirm with certainty that there’s no reason to believe that bacteria aren’t consuming nutrients in the groundwater as well. When one has microbial ecosystems that have been cut off for long periods of time—in this case, seawater was likely deposited there 5,000–10,000 years ago—the researchers begin to get a very good idea of how life might survive on other planets trapped beneath thick ice.
So, what do we have to expect from these discoveries? Can new unknown bacteria spread to other continents nearby, like Australia, Africa, and South America? Are we prepared for another germ attack?
All this will probably take some time before it will happen, but if the magnetic poles keep moving with the speed of today, it may not be so long before we will have a drastic change of climate on earth.
It has shown lately in the northern Europe, that the midnight sun in summer is being seen further south then before. This can be the result of the magnetic fields that started to affect the sunbeams and have the results of changing the geographic north and south poles placement.
But all this are questions that governments will keep secrets until something occurs.
Just keep on with your good and happy life, the less you know the better…..
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Thank you Eric, I will surely have a look on your advices.
Saludos Curt