Has the last 3 years been planned by the world’s ‘secret’ rulers? A major economic world crisis has been created by a number of circumstances. A chaos in drug manufacturers has been caused by the WHO, due to Covid19. This has resulted in an overproduction of vaccine as well as caused the recent 40 million dose from an Indian subcontractor to be discarded and destroyed! But ultimately paid for by our tax revenues. And now new viruses are starting to spread, without much concern from the authorities, because they will never be personally responsible.

Another crisis is energy prices, which have reached an all-time high, but are 95% to blame for the war in Ukraine. Gasoline prices are soaring without control.
The absolute peak of crude oil price occurred in June 2008 with the highest price, average of $166.90 / barrel. Today’s price for Crude oil (05-06-2022) is 121.08/barrel. While the dollar price that governs the oil market was in 2008, 1.47 USD for 1 Euro, and today 05-06-2022, 0.93 USD for 1 EURO.
I cannot find a logical explanation, why the petrol prices in 2008 were not higher than today, the average price was then 1.25 € / liter compared to today 2022, which is 2.05 € / liter what,…. about you?
This is the explanation that I received from an economic expert on an international bank. “The impact of higher oil prices on global growth will depend on two elements: 1) the factors responsible for the movement (supply, demand, or others) and 2) the balance between the positive impact on oil-exporting economies and the negative impact on importers of crude oil”

That’s it! We are all being fooled by the world rulers, whoever they are!
Another explanation is needed in food prices. An example here in Spain is the price of sunflower oil for cooking. One week after the war in Ukraine eruption, prices were raised from 1.25 / € lit. to now over 3.00 / € lit. this is a huge scam as the warehouses were full and the new harvest has not yet been produced! The debt should be high transport prices due to gasoline prices and stopped production due to Russia’s invasion!
I can continue with comparisons but cannot come up with another explanation that we are in the hands of rulers who want to crack the economic growth in the world to create larger economic gaps between the population of the countries of the world. In this way, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
I will be back with more……
Thank you for reading.