Football and it´s influence.
I have in a previous article talked football, but now want to further develop this theme. https://windmush.com/2022/03/22/lets-talk-football/
Many people remember playing football on dusty gravel pitch, more like a social game. Nowadays, demands are made from organizations as well as authorities on the facilities.
This has contributed to high costs for municipalities, who keeps installations open for the public, and in some cases must seek help through sponsorship, to keep up with the rising costs.
The environmental debate has also influenced the development of football. The use of artificial turf is considered negative from an environmental point of view, as Micro plastic particles are washed out into the sewers during rain and irrigation. Hybrid grass can improve this, but natural turf pitch is always preferable, despite the considerable cost of maintenance.

When talking about increased costs, it immediately becomes interesting for investors who are happy to contribute with financial support. Football has become a macro business!
Nowadays, there is almost no higher-level football club, which does not have a large investor or sponsor, which guarantees the continuation of its activities.
At the same time, investors are now demanding higher quality for their investment, which will improve the financial returns of their companies.

This now affects players as well as coaches, who therefore need to improve their training and physical qualifications, in order to be on the international recruitment lists.
As a result, more and more training centers are being formed for football fans of all ages and genders. This results in a boom of academies or universities with a high education levels, within the football sport.
I am personally involved as a Project Manager in Vélez Malaga Football University, situated in the Malaga area, here in Spain. This project has been started by the new owners of Vélez Club de Futbol, Jesper Norberg and Magnus Pehrsson, both of whom have extensive experience in the football sector.

The project #VMFU, is a well-thought-out project that in the future will consist of a campus of over 300.000 m2 and contain all the training opportunities as well as educational units that a football enthusiast can think of. VMFU, has a partnership with Walt Disney Sports (ESPN) that guarantees occupancy with international students. All this to provide the opportunity for young players to achieve their dreams of playing in the international top teams. Quality and Education as well as a clear Philosophy, are the key to success in most professions, even football.
We expect great interest from international as well as national investors for the implementation of this fantastic project, #VMFU. curt.bergsten@vmfootballuniversity.com
I’ll come back with several news in the meantime.
Thank you for reading,