Should AI-systems have right to patents?
I have my view very clear, that robots and AI-systems should never be recognized as inventor of any patents. Remember that its always a human person who have made the programs to any computer or AI-systems, all around the world!
The Ai-system can always be “smarter” than its programmer and improve the data that has been given, to complete the work for its “client “.
One thing is to find solutions, another is to create new ideas.
Many cases regarding the rights of AI created products, have been brought to court to defend the human rights of a patent. New international laws are needed to make this clear.
As one of the first countries, the United Kingdom, its Intellectual Property Office has decided artificial-intelligence systems cannot patent inventions for the time being.
“AI-systems currently are not able to invent without human assistance. That’s why a patent is a statutory right, and it can only be granted to a person”.
If the humans don’t take control of this matter, our world can soon be run by AI-systems in an evil way to start wars that can end the total civilization.
This is of course only my humble opinion as a private inventor.
Thank you for reading this post.
I will be back soon, Windmush/Curt