Are we in to another environment problem? Only to satisfy the gigant manufactories?
Tens of thousands of aging blades are coming down from steel towers around the world and most have nowhere to go but landfills. Is this really what we are calling clean energy? Another aspect to this type of wind energy is the high sound level that has a negative influence in the nature, on land or at sea!
“Wind power is carbon-free and about 85% of turbine components, including steel, copper wire, electronics and gearing can be recycled or reused. But the fiberglass blades remain difficult to dispose of. With some as long as a football field, big rigs can only carry one at a time, making transportation costs prohibitive for long-distance hauls.” (Bloomberg)

How long will it take before the world wakes up and start investing in alternative wind power stations with horisontal placed turbines? Small inventors have presented dozens of alternative to the now “traditional windmills”! But as the huge mass production cant be stopped, we have to wait until a worldwide opinion make the decision makers to take a stand.
I am one of the small inventors, who can not find sponsoring for a full scale prototype, for my Windmush.

Others has been more successful, to find a partner or financial support, but a production by the gigant wind power producer is till far away……

Most “experts” are only talking about the output from one generator and the bigger scale will decide how many to build, without asking farmers and other Nabors who has no voice against the decisionmakers.
Let us see what happens in the future, maybe the mini nuclear power station will popping up like mushroom, created by the gigant energy firms and all gigant wind blade powers will be buried. Fin.
Tanks for reading about my personal opinion in this matter.