You came out of your “Zero Zone”! The life had begun, without having an idea about what you were going to experience.
From this day the daily time routine started, eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep, play …. etc.
While growing up, things were happening so fast, and you were not able to stop the time.
Later, thinking back, you wished that the time could have been slowed down, and being able to improve your lost time as young.

“Once I asked a good friend of mine if he knew what a Time Zone meant to him. He turned to me with a surprised look and told me, GMT+1, and when working in New York – 6 hours/CET.”
This is an answer you expect from a person that travel a lot and works in different geographic time zones.
But my way of describing Your #TimeZone, is different!
When you snap a finger, one second past and you will never be able to recover it again. It is Gone!
Your Time-Zones are, present, past, and future!
The history books learn you about the eras geological as, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. But you can also read about the birth of Universe how it all started with a Bang and that it is still expanding. All this is hard to understand, but it is all about Time-Zones!
When I discovered that my life was divided in Time-Zones, I started a new way of thinking and planning.
Have you always used the time the way you wanted? If so, you are incredibly lucky!
Your time can be like a “black hole” in universe, slowly dragging you in, if you do not control your Time-Zone!

“A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole”.
Bill Gates is having some interesting toughs in his last Podcasts (2020). He talks about how we believe things that we have little knowledge of.
“Why do we believe lies? Most modern societies place a high value on truth and honesty, but people don’t seem to resist falsehoods, from little white lies to vast conspiracy theories. Take Denmark, for example. No animal on Earth knows that Denmark exists in addition to humans. Denmark, like all other countries, including the United States, is an elaborate myth that we have collectively decided to believe. But this myth allows the Danes to organize a society that benefits their people. I also talk about COVID conspiracy theories, the role social media plays in spreading misinformation, and the only lie I choose to believe even though I know it’s not always true. We have a lot of fun trying to find out the truth about the truth.”
Conclusion: Do we really know what Time is, or is it something that we have been told as a conspiracy theory?
The secrets to the Time-Zone power:
You must learn how to recognize when you are in your Time-Zone, so that you can motivate yourself to feel this way at the right time, to use this important power.
” This is the first day in the rest of your life, what have past is gone forever”.
My age zones.
1. 0-3 years old……Without memories.
2. 3-6 ……. Childhood.
3. 6-15 ……. Basic education.
4. 15-18 ……. Learning the hard way by working.
5. 18-25 ……. My first family experience.
6. 25-50 …… My ups and downs.
7. 50-65 ……. When experience pays off.
8. 65- …… Start doing things that been pushed aside.
” When I was young, I liked to be older. When I got older, I was thinking about what I could have done when being younger.”
Make your own list of your age zones, and you will be able to find out how you have managed your Time-Zones, until this day.
Thanks for reading,