Your best gift can be a problem! This force you to find a positive solution for your problem.
You may have had an economical problem; this can be hard to admit! Many people must go broke before they can understand what they have done wrong.
Remember, money is just a tool! …. A mechanic has tools to work with and if he is a professional, he will keep his tools clean and organized…. If your tool is money, use #Quality Thinking to organize and invest it wisely

We live in a world that revolves around money. We use it to buy or rent our home, pay for tuition, travel, and communicate using our mobile phones. People also use it to buy a car, have fun, and for hundreds of different things. But what is money exactly? Who is in charge? You or your dreams? Do you know the exact value of money? Why do we need money?……..There are many answers! |
“A man was locked up for bank robbery…. When he was asked; Why did you do it?… He answered, I had to!”
The man in jail had the courage to do it, but he used it badly. He needed money so hard that he only found a negative solution.
When you find your courage, us it with Positive Mental Attitude, for your success to use Positive Mental Attitude, you must Believe in yourself and know how to use it.
“You can if you think you can”!
Attitude and wealth.

*Smart people don’t get rich!
*To get rich takes time!
*You are your economy!
*There has always been crisis!*Bad times are also God times!
*Money is a result! *Your mind creates action!*To have courage helps you to wealth!
These are phrases used to motivate people at seminars by many speakers. But they are not any good to you if you are not ready to receive these messages. They must reach you when you are in your comfort zone.
Your attitude depends on if your mind will accept this information. You must be in the right Time-Zone!
Thanks for reading,