In this article I will cover the planning of COP 27 and what I believe can happen.
When I first started, three years ago, to wright about this environment conferences called COP things has not really changed at all.
It seems to be more important to announce what famous people are going to attend without naming the real science experts. One frontpage has told us that Ms. Greta Thunberg do not want to get involved into politics and will not attend! Big deal!
Some well-known leaders of world countries will come, others not.
My opinion may not be of importance, but I believe that the COP organization has failed to deliver answers during all this passed years. We are back to basic line without any clear results.
Climate change has always been happening on our mother earth, as well as in the whole universe. The only substantial changes have been the development of modern information systems like internet, telling us how terrible fast, the climate have changed within the last fifty years!
Nothing about the gradually changing of the magnetic poles, with the result of colder weather at the Antarctic’s and warmer at the northern artic. There has been a clear “tilt” by the globe!
If the poles will continue to change, we will finally have a “flip over” with a disastrous result.
Our famous Golf stream as well as the pacific “Niño “have already changed courses, without any protests from world leaders. This have already affected the navigation system used by whales and other living species in the oceans. Why would whales steer right up on the beach, like it has happened in many places worldwide? Yes, a fundamental change of the climate has begun, but do not put the peoples holiday traveling, as the most important thing on earth!

Politics do not like to speak or hear about things that they can not make an influence on! It is also called, POWER! This will be the discussions on this upcoming COP 27 in Cairo coming week.
The worst hypocrite regarding COP is the massive traveling by the tens of thousands of people, using pollution driven vehicles/airplanes to reach the destination, instead of doing the conference on-line. “Save the planet by spending money,” should be the slogan for COP 27!
Thank for reading, I will be back with a follow up.