The answer lies behind the sea line.
Have you ever been on the open sea, without seeing land in any direction. Then you know the mystery of the horizon’s meaning.
Where the contrast between sky and sea that forms a clear line with an infinite spherical shape but at the same time is only a visual experience, is called horizon.
The line you see is only 4.7 kilometers away and wondering what lies behind the horizon doesn’t give you an answer until you see a stretch of land that could be days or weeks away.

I have personally traveled by ship across the Atlantic 14 times and the Pacific 12 times. My longest journey was 26 days without seeing any land. Regardless of weather and wind, there was nothing but sea and sky to rest your eyes on towards the horizon.

When you stand at the rail of a ship and your eyes search beyond the horizon, visions and dreams of what it looks like when the horizon turns into your destination, will form in your mind. An exciting feeling that you will discover something that you have never seen before, gives you a satisfaction, just by directing your eyes towards the horizon.

Day after day you see the sun rise and set on the horizon, a sight that you never tire of and which I have photographed hundreds of times, with the same results. Sky, sea and sun, but the mystery gives you satisfaction that is hard to describe.
what I learned from these endless and long visions of the horizon, is that you as a person are the happiest living person in the world, when you experience this. Therefore you overcome all fear of the powers of the sea, in which you have placed your trust.
Thanks for reading my blog
#Windmush / #curtbergsten
Thalassophobia – Wikipedia (fear of the sea)