Quality Thinking Living.
One time in Osaka, Japan, I did experienced how easy it was to adopt Quality Thinking in daily living.
I was invited to stay for one month in a house of a Japanese family. Atsuo-san, the head of the family was the owner of 4 exclusive night-clubs. At home all family members where following some strict but logical rules. Everything was so perfect. Taking of your shoes to enter in the living area was obligatory, but it was almost made into a ritual. Your shoes had to be but in a special way and your indoor slippers was always in the same spot.

The preparing and serving of food had a perfect balance in timing and quality. You could never have a meal better served even in a first class restaurant
Every one of the family members helped to do a task, so everything ran smoothly and effectively. This experience of such quality team work, is something that I never will forget.
This is hard to adapt to modern European living but it is worth a try. “Doo Itashimashite ( your welcome)
I will be back soon, Windmush