What is the difference between to be a traveler or a tourist?
In my youth, our family traveled together to find unknown places, we were seen as a traveling family. We looked in history books to find places of interest. Each town had their information office, with free maps, so you could find the most exiting places. Food was many times prepared at home, for the first day’s consumption, later road bars/restaurant was an economical alternative as most of them had excellent homecooked food. We met very nice people and were often invited to their homes. That’s what it was like to be a traveler.
Today, when a family travels for a holiday, they are categorized as tourists. So, what is the difference?
A travel Agency has become an important business for people to decide where to go, but this agency is often controlled by tour operators and airplane companies. They will now sell you an idea where your family owe to go, and what to see. Most alternatives are 3-4 star hotels with all included.
The opening of tourism-related businesses leads to a revitalization of poor, unindustrialized regions by creating jobs and entrepreneurial activities, which especially benefit young people. Tourism can also be a powerful force for inclusion, empowering local communities and distributing benefits among regions.
I will to show you the expansion of attractive tourist destination, that I visited for 60 years ago and show the different in photos, how it looks today. Its up to you to judge what way of traveling is for you and your family.

1964 I visited Panama City, and this was the famous Long beach Resort, where the local population spend their weekends with the whole family. It was also extremely cheap to eat and drink at the beachfront

60 years later 2024 the same beach has changed into an urban living on the front line. This is now a place for American high category tourists. As well it has also been transformed to a tax heaven! From year 2000 the cost of living has multiplied by 5-7 times.

Another example is Valparaiso, Chile, a few thousand km south of Panama, where I signed of a cargo ship in 1965, to later travel across Los Andes, to Argentina. There was hardly any beach at all around Valparaiso at that time, but you could always find a small beach to enjoy.

Nowadays in 2024 it has grown into a resort and another, 10/12 new beaches have been created for the tourist boom, south of Valparaiso. It has now become a very popular coast for international tourism. With the result of booming prices.

When I immigrated to Australia, 1968, I lived for some time in Surfers Paradise, a small costal town with just one large fur star hotel, Chevron, where I worked. There were a lot of small hostels and motels, mostly used by Australians on vacation.

Now in 2024, it has grown into a Miami style beachfront. Tourists from all over the world like to visit the famous Gold Coast. They even have a F1circut in town, with lots of gambling possibility, as casinos. I liked it as it was, but this is big money for the tourist business, but my Surfers paradise will never come back. Only in my memories.
This example of places to visit, is just a few of my favorites, after my travels to over 50 countries. Maybe I will continue to write about other places, if my audience find it interesting.
Thanks for reading my blog. 07-07-2024
#windmush #curtbergsten
Impact of mass tourism – Global tourism – National 5 Geography Revision – BBC Bitesize