I started writing articles about COP26 (Glasgow 2021) and have since followed developments up to date with COP29. Will there be major decisions made this time? In past meetings, it has only been about financial contributions, which have not contributed to improving the situation.
This year, 2024, COP29 will be hosted by Azerbaijan who is committed to developing its renewable energy potential, which is an important part of the country’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2050. The country intends to increase renewable power capacity to 30% by 2030 and diversify its existing energy system to become a leader in green energy. Azerbaijan is committed to leading by example and will update its national targets in its next 1.5-aligned Nationally Determined Contribution.
In reality all this is a coverup, the country has never met the environmental requirements, and it is hard to see that they will fulfill their beautiful promises.
Once again, over 40,000 participants will travel to Baku, Azerbaijan, most by air which contributes to air pollution. (they really should go in a hot air balloon!) All these participants first and foremost provide a financial contribution to the place where the conference is held, at the expense of all taxpayers.
Before the start of the meeting, several African countries have requested that their countries should not bear costs incurred to improve the climate, due to their poor economy. However, they will receive financial support. In addition, China’s president has recently said that China should be classified as a developing country, to avoid sharing the costs.
The meeting has just started, but I do not see bright possibilities that results will be achieved, but the important decisions will be moved to future COP meetings. This has also been the result of other previous Conferences of Parties (COP). The first (COP95) meeting was held in Berlin, Germany in March 1995.
Are these COP meetings really on the right track? Shouldn’t one realize that our earth is undergoing a natural transformation, which is predicted by the annual cycles of the sun. Climate change has always existed, and it cannot be solved with financial coverage.
We don’t own the planet, we’re just visiting! Nature was here long before us and will be here after our time. But this the politicians cannot admit, because it can take away the power from them.
It is true that we, the population of the earth, have been greedy and in many ways destroyed nature for our own financial gain. But the decisions have always been made by politicians or other rulers, who now want to show at COP meetings that with economic measures, everything will be the same as before.
In my opinion, the COP is a farce. General responsibility towards nature should be taken by the population and not decided in Azerbaijan. We all must take responsibility for our future on earth, even though changes to the earth will happen through cosmic influence. Remember that it is not humanity that rules our earth.
Please read some of my previous posts, which can be found below
Thanks for reading my post.
#Curt #Windmush
I wasn’t wrong about the outcomes of COP27! – Curt Bergsten/Windmush
The climate-conference, COP-28, gavnegative results.
Is the climate change just a cover up? – Curt Bergsten/Windmush