#COP29 ended in a Total Chaos!

It happened again, #COP29 resulted in Chaos!

I cannot understand that the same error is repeated at every COP meeting that has been held. The whole conference is based on buying responsibility for climate change, by giving grants to underdeveloped countries. The EU only accepts to impose higher penalties on its members, while major powers such as the US, Russia and China reject their responsibility. During #CopAzarbajian29, several countries left the negotiations during the ongoing meeting.

COP29 has struck a last-minute deal for at least $300bn a year in climate funding by 2035 for developing countries. Earlier today, talks were on the brink of collapse after developing countries walked out, temporarily suspending negotiations on the climate finance text.

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) bloc and Alliance Of Small Island States (AOSIS) walked out because they didn’t want to engage with a rough draft which reportedly contained a new core figure of $300 billion a year (up from the $250 billion in Friday’s official draft text).

The reluctance to negotiate consists of countries wanting more aid. Do you really believe that it is possible to buy back the return of the climate? The earth is undergoing a natural climate change that no one wants to accept.

The whole COP organization seems to be a gigantic FAKE!

The warming of the earth’s temperature began long before the great industrial development of the 20th century. An example is, during the Roman Empire, the temperature in the countries around the Mediterranean was 2.5 degrees warmer than today’s temperature.

What is never discussed on the COP meeting, is the 11 year cycles of the Sun which always bring unsettled weather all over the world due to these magnetic storms that the sunspots cause. In addition, our earth has undergone a variety of climate changes during its million-year life. Modern humanity has not existed has more than a micro fraction.

Let’s accept that there are changes, while at the same time carrying out preventive measures to reduce the impact of the forces of the weather. This should be the responsibility of every country towards its people. Money is needed for these improvements throughout the world, but not only for grants to underdeveloped countries. There are numerous examples of deadly weather-related disasters, in both industrialized countries and poorer areas, which could have been avoided if preventive measures had been taken many years ago.

Thanks for reading my post.

#Curtbergsten #Windmush

COP29: The clock is ticking €,$,€. – Curt Bergsten/Windmush

Environmental disasters are not always to be blamed on the climate.
Picture of Windmush


This blog, Windmush, by Curt is about different "Time Zones" in life. The name Windmush, can be find in old Jack London books about a Husky called Mush, also called Buck. This dog reflects my childhood as I was also left by my parents to live with another family. But by the age of 15 I left to see the world by my own and ....I became Windmush !

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About Me

Curt Bergsten, born in Sweden 1948, has worked and traveled to know 52 countries around the world, now the last 25 years living in Spain and working with large Real Estates dealing as, Hotel assets, Land &Developing areas.

Curt Bergsten, is also the author of the e-book’s, The Power of Quality Thinking and Power your TimeZone.

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