The end of Wind and SunPower, #Windmush.
In recent years, humanity has suffered from a hysteria to follow the wave of success by mass production within the energy market, but it is not possible that everyone can succeed in the same fields, to act as followers..
We can start with rotor-driven horizontal wind turbines, which in modern times began around 1980 in Denmark, today in 2024 there are over 300,000 worldwide. It has become fashionable to produce larger and stronger units, first in the countryside and later at sea.
What was not included in the calculation is that the lifetime of the rotor blades is a maximum of 25 years. After that, you have to replace the leaves because they have lost 10-20% of the material surface which forms Micro plastic in the atmosphere and is a threat to health.
The problem is that the material of the rotor blades is not degradable and therefore has to be buried because burning is not allowed, due to environmental influences. The result of this is that it is cheaper to scrap the entire wind turbine to build brand new ones.
Over 50% of the wind turbines will be scrapped, shortly. Some of these will be replaced by smaller and more efficient vertical built turbines (something I designed in 1982, but never launched on the market), which can also be used in densely built-up areas. #Inventions; Good and bad ideas. – Curt Bergsten/Windmush
The reason for the explosive expansion of today’s wind turbines is state subsidies (up to 80%) that the large international manufacturers have used, but the renewal of the rotor blades was not calculated in the calculation. Therefore, the companies do not want to stand for this costly renewal if the governments of countries do not cover the cost.
The golden age of the battery giants has ended!
Another boom in the manufacture of electric cars, to “save the environment”, has created a huge need for new lithium batteries productions. Mega factories have been built, which only manufacture batteries for electric vehicles. Now, after only a few years, these are facing extremely difficult financial conditions. Some have already filed for bankruptcy, as investment companies and government agencies have withdrawn their support. China will seize this opportunity and take over affected factories, which are later shut down to move production to countries with low production costs.
In addition, clear evidence has emerged that in most battery factories that manufacture lithium batteries, the staff have suffered from severe diseases linked to the manufacture.
Other problems are the costly extraction of Lithium, which mostly takes place in open pit mines, pollution and energy consumption are the biggest difficulties that arise in order to then manufacture environmentally friendly cars.
The environmental issue has stressed this problem which is only a short-term solution while waiting for Water-powered (hydrogen) vehicles to take over the market, which will come in the near future.
Toyota and Tesla are in the starting pits, but the launch depends only on financial calculations. Electric car production has not yet produced a financial return and therefore cannot be stopped before large-scale production of significantly more environmentally friendly vehicles is started.
Fusion power.
Additional aspects of energy production through wind turbines and solar cells are that the world’s demand for energy cannot be satisfied without additions from nuclear power plants and hydropower. What is needed is Fusion Power, which is also waiting to be launched and to be the solution to this demand.
There are already a number of countries that have manufactured and tested smaller fusion power plants, with good results!
Energy consumption in the world for AI (Artificial Intelligence) is today using 5-6% of the worlds total energy production, but within 5 years the consumption will be 50%, if the current development continues. This calculation also includes mega-computers used by cryptocurrencies.
When Fusion Power is introduced to the market, all wind turbines and solar farms can be dismantled.
Environmental organizations such as COP, among others, are to blame for hastily made decisions to implement environmentally friendly proposals, which the world’s governments have since been “forced” to follow, by subsidizing them.
We cannot control our entire globe through political decisions and through these believe that our earth’s own life cycle will change. Enormous climate changes have existed for millions of years and will continue without our participation.
Thanks for reading my post,
#Windmush / #Curt
“Solar Storms Has Great Impact on Our Climate.” – Curt Bergsten/Windmush
Lithium Harms the World Environment! – Curt Bergsten/Windmush