COP27, days are passing by without results!
How much money should rich countries pay in climate subsidies, how much of the subsidy should go to climate adaptation and who should foot the climate bill? These are the three key issues at the UN climate conference COP27, which began on Sunday! This just confirms what I mentioned in my last post about COP27. […]
COP 27 this year in Cairo 2022.
In this article I will cover the planning of COP 27 and what I believe can happen. When I first started, three years ago, to wright about this environment conferences called COP things has not really changed at all. It seems to be more important to announce what famous people are going to attend without […]
The Need of Preserving Nature zones, for the Future.
The nature divided mother earth in zones, land, oceans, warm & cold places, rainforests, and desserts. But we, the “modern” raze has not respected or understood the law of nature! For only five hundred years ago all natural zones were still intact. I will give you some examples: The rice was only grown in Asia. […]
Seawater for human consumption, by using desalination process.
Producing drinking water from Seawater can be an affordable solution when no other reliable source of fresh water is available. The investment costs will in most cases the most important consideration. Another thing to considerate will indeed be the costs of chemical, and electrical consumptions for the driving operating costs. The material (water) is free, […]
Do not worry, the weather was not so bad in 2022.
******************************** Another year to remember was 1969, at the time I was living in Australia. A heatwave around 45 degrees C in Sydney, with small birds falling dead from the sky! At the same time in Europe’s winter the port of Bremerhaven was frozen for the first time in over 100 years. Climate changes has […]
#Climatechange, made by the magnetic poles.
A group of European scientists believe they have finally discovered what is causing the magnetic north pole to move. In recent years it has been moving away from Canada and towards Siberia, Russia. The movement has been so fast that it has forced more frequent updates to GPS navigation systems, including those that use the […]
Bacteria with antibiotic resistant genes discovered in Antarctica
“SANTIAGO, May 25 (Reuters) – Bacteria in Antarctica have been discovered with genes that give them natural antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance and have the potential to spread out of the polar regions, according to scientists in Chile. Andres Marcoleta, a researcher from the University of Chile who headed the study published in the Science of […]
Why “Climate-hunters” do not want to discuss sunspots.
Year after year, leaders from the world attends climate conferences, but I have never heard any alert regarding the danger of high sunspots activities. Can it be a religious matter? In early days when the Christian crusades tried to take over the world, they met many sun-worshiping groups of people, who believed in the sun […]
Todo no es Cambio Climatico……