Seawater is essential for our survival in the future.
Seawater is our source for survival. Seawater makes up about 96.5% of all the water on Earth. This vast amount of water is found in our oceans and seas, making it the most abundant source of water on the planet. The remaining 3.5% consists of freshwater found in glaciers, ice caps, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and […]
Now begins the countdown to wind turbines and battery manufacturing.
The end of Wind and SunPower, #Windmush. In recent years, humanity has suffered from a hysteria to follow the wave of success by mass production within the energy market, but it is not possible that everyone can succeed in the same fields, to act as followers..We can start with rotor-driven horizontal wind turbines, which in […]
Lithium Harms the World Environment!
Lithium industry looks to Australia for refining, not just mining. Companies want to reduce shipping waste and avoid China by investing in refining facilities in other countries, including Australia, where about half of all lithium is minedBy Yusuf Khan “Lithium companies are looking to refine the crucial battery metal in Australia, where much of it […]
The climate-conference, COP-28, negative results.
Cop-28 have unfortunately not presented solutions, again. I have been writing articles about COP meetings for several years now, unfortunately there is no big news from the last COP-28 meeting, despite the increased number of participants who consume energy in travel, to spend a week in Saudi Arabia. How long will it take to unite […]
AI and cryptocurrency are contributing to energy problems.
AI, and cryptocurrency will create energy-problems! Is it really a good idea to force AI (Artificial Intelligence) in all industries, when it is already clear that AI and Cryptocurrency are energy guzzlers? The giant Google in one such example, noting has been said that AI was accounted for 10%-15% of the company’s total electricity consumption […]
Should online shopping be subject to extra environmental tax?
Should online shopping be subject to extra environmental tax? Is it just the economy and convenience that is driving the expansion of #onlineshopping? Instead of walking 500 meters to a store to buy something, we order via the internet and get the same product delivered to our home for a cheaper price. A delivery truck […]
“Whether To Blow Or Vacuum The Leaves Should Be Environmental Question??”
A simple question regarding logistics: ? Is it better to blow away the leaves and dust, or wouldn’t it be better to use a vacuum cleaner that saves and triturates the leaves and dust? Of course with electrically powered machines! The logical answer should be to soak up everything that should not be on the […]
“Has Solar Storms Effect On Our Climate?”
Solar storms Recently, the latest climate change report from the UN was presented. But the following quotes from the report do not mention anything about the sun’s effect on the matter. A Current Status and Trends. AR6 Synthesis Report. Observed Warming and its Causes A.1 Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally […]
Is the climate change just a cover up?
Governments play a critical role in disseminating information about climate change, but there have been instances where they have not provided accurate or complete information. While many governments have acknowledged the reality of climate change and the urgent need to address it, there have also been instances of political interference or suppression of information related […]
Renewable energy.