Why Should we believe in #Donate to #Charity?

Every year, people in the West donate tons of used clothes to poor countries. But a large part of the clothes is in such poor condition that they end up directly in the dump or are thrown in nature. At the Katmandu market in Ghana’s capital Accra, clothes that has been donated from all over […]

Todo no es Cambio Climatico……


#Energy; Who are they trying to fool?

 Does anyone have confidence in energy prices? Politicians blame climate change, war, Covid19, COP 26, gas and oil prices, etc. The fact is that a “all time high” do not mean that all energy prices must rise! What happens when a “all price low” occurs? Nothing, is the answer! I have lived in Spain for […]

#Inventions; Good and bad ideas.

I have used much of my time creating inventions. During atime of my life, in the 1970-80th, my ideas came at nights, around 3 am! I always had a notebook next to my bed so Icould write them down. It may have been the strangestthings like, an oil spill cleaning vessel, a vertical turbinewind power […]

Let´s talk about football !

Curt Bergsten, author of #The Power your Quality Thinking and #Power your Time Zones. The Premier League club Chelsea was put up for sale by Russian owner Roman Abramovich before he was sanctioned following his country’s invasion of Ukraine. The last bid has been the incredible amount of 2.405 million euro (€2,4 billion). Football has […]

Russia’s failure has led to a more brutal war…..

As I wrote in my previous article, Russia is waging a war that is outdated.  President Putin has chosen a “rational” war more likely to the failure of the Nazis in World War II. He has shown himself as a power-mad dictator who runs a country he has not been able to govern, therefore he […]

Most wars are the result of misunderstanding.

#TIMEZONE Yesterday’s angry speech by Vladimir Putin was about rewriting the history of Ukraine. “You didn’t want us to be friends, but you didn’t have to make an enemy of us”, he addressed. The peace treaty negotiations between the countries who were involved in World War II resulted in a magnification of miscommunication and awareness […]

Are Wargames used in Reality by Russia?

ALERT❗️ ALERT❗️ ALERT❗️ Most of you won’t read this. Those who do just got educated. Why does UKRAINE matter??? I can’t believe we are just one year into our new leadership in the USA, and this is what we get. A lack of it….”a small incursion would be ok” says Sleepy Joe. And now China […]

#Energy is becoming a Big Business.

Europe’s energy crunch continues with rising prices.Spain is covering up the real reason to the high price of electricity. The Spanish goverment in Madrid, never mention the deal made with the Marocco goverment! A clean energy source from a giant sun energy plant in the Marocco dessert will supply Spain with over 70% of total […]