How to find your #TimeZone.

I just love the way Les Brown explain about your cofort zone and how to reach your #TimeZone. This also reflects my view in my book:

New Energy to Europe from Marocco?

The Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition has proposed prioritizing a Spain-Morocco interconnection project in its recently published planning proposal for 2021-2026.  By 2026, the Spanish government plans to have a new circuit in the Morocco-Spain interconnection and a new interconnection between Spain and Andorra. It also seeks to construct a Spain-France interconnection through the Bay of Biscay and […]


#worlduppdates from space. The first time when a photo was captured at the far side of the moon, was in 1959! The Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 took 29 photos by a specially designed AFA camera and transmitted directly to the earth. In December 1968 NASA  sent three people — Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill […]

Who invented the time, and do we really need it?

“Christiaan Huygens is usually credited as the inventor. He determined the mathematical formula that related pendulum length to time (about 99.4 cm or 39.1 inches for the one second movement) and had the first pendulumdriven clock made. The first model clock was built in 1657 in the Hague”. “The measurement of time began with the […]

Things that they didn’t talk about on COP26. #world updates.

How Earth’s Magnetic Field Flip Will Impact Life on Our Planet. (By, Maria Mulko) The flipping of the planet’s magnetic pole sounds like the plot of a disaster movie, but it seems to happen cyclically and at somewhat predictable intervals. In fact, for the past 20 million years or so, Earth’s magnetic field has flipped every […]

COP26 – The climate is examined.

Bill Gates has some interesting views on climate changes. Read his article below. I will be following up the latest news regarding the climate situation on our world. Keep up with my next blog