#Timezone: The hangover after Covid.

How will the world manage to survive without Covid subsidy? When will we recover the lost amounts of sales, that disappeared the first six months of lockdowns? How long time will the governments keep on forcing vaccine to the population? These are some answers that many of us are waiting for. Is there a reason […]

Myths Of Sustainable Business

Solitaire Townsend’s stories. Entrepreneur, author & sustainability solutionist. Forbes. Myth #1: People say one thing but do another, aka value-action gap. Let’s start with a big one. People across the world say they want to buy ethically and sustainably – that they will pay more for sustainable products, and make purchase decisions based on a product’s sustainability. But then, when […]


Why have the governments in Europe stopped to fight the virus? China is still working full time to disinfect all public places, like subways, buses, workplaces and official buildings. All this to kill the virus! In the European countries, we are only concentrating in medical production, like more vaccine and now also pills. Have we […]

Our #TimeZone, and what it means to You.

We all live in a TimeZone that is today, but sometimes we need to think back in time and remember that things were also working without the technology of today, as Microsoft, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Google. I live today, but I also lived yesterday, but of course my life is also the future. People that […]

I am back again to find some good winds, sailing to Manila, from Australia.

When we left Australia behind us, i already felt like going back again to the lovely and friendly people who made me feel at home….This journey, that just begun, was going to take us close to Papua New Guineas coast with many islands surrounding with astonishing form’s . Our next port to enter will be, […]

James Web Telescope, amazing!

Article by Interesting Engineering, Inc. 2022. The telescope will align its mirrors before moving to its final destination. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has just completed its most critical task, unfolding its 21 feet (6.5 m) wide concave-shaped, gold-plated primary mirror on Saturday, 14 days after its long-delayed launch on December 25th, NASA announced in […]

Is the world complying with Cop26?

Every year a huge conference called COP is organized somewhere in the world and 10-20.000 people are traveling by airplane to be there. Hotels are overbooked and convention halls full. Many of this people are there only to enjoy this event, to later make a few statements. At COP26 a statement was made unilateral to […]

CHINESE NEW YEAR, #2022, a new #TimeZone, IS COMING SOON!

Tigers are the third of the Chinese zodiacs. According to legend, Tiger was confident that no one could compete with its speed and vigor for the celestial race that would decide the order of the zodiacs. However, when Tiger climbed out of the river, thinking it was first, it was informed that Rat (I am […]

China creó una “estrella artificial” .

El impresionante reactor EAST funciona como una estrella artificial y logró superar en seis veces la temperatura del Sol. China continúa avanzando en la carrera energética y desarrollo un avance científico impensado. Se trata de una “estrella artificial” que es seis veces más caliente que el Sol y está llamada a ser el futuro de la energía. Se […]