Traditional war is outdated by a new TimeZone!

An intelligence war by IA, is a much better solution than what Mr. Putin at this moment are using against Urania today. The mass destruction of buildings and killing people should be banned and only remembered in the history books. With the high intelligence we have today, a war can easily be won against another […]

Most wars are the result of misunderstanding.

#TIMEZONE Yesterday’s angry speech by Vladimir Putin was about rewriting the history of Ukraine. “You didn’t want us to be friends, but you didn’t have to make an enemy of us”, he addressed. The peace treaty negotiations between the countries who were involved in World War II resulted in a magnification of miscommunication and awareness […]

Follow up on Sun storms.

We have heard about the loss of more than 40 Starlink satellites, caused by geomagnetic storms caused by high activities on our sun, that happened between the 6th of February and the 10th of February this year, 2022. ( ). What we don’t know much about, is other effects that this sun storms will […]

How do we know Covid vaccines are safe?

Safety trials begin in the lab, with tests and research on cells and animals, before moving on to human studies. The principle is to start small and only move to the next stage of testing if there are no outstanding safety concerns. But we still don’t know the origins of the Covid19! …..Are we all […]

Sun Storms

Elon Musk perderá 40 satélites de Starlink y no podrá hacer nada para evitarlo

#Timezone: The hangover after Covid.

How will the world manage to survive without Covid subsidy? When will we recover the lost amounts of sales, that disappeared the first six months of lockdowns? How long time will the governments keep on forcing vaccine to the population? These are some answers that many of us are waiting for. Is there a reason […]


Why have the governments in Europe stopped to fight the virus? China is still working full time to disinfect all public places, like subways, buses, workplaces and official buildings. All this to kill the virus! In the European countries, we are only concentrating in medical production, like more vaccine and now also pills. Have we […]

Our #TimeZone, and what it means to You.

We all live in a TimeZone that is today, but sometimes we need to think back in time and remember that things were also working without the technology of today, as Microsoft, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Google. I live today, but I also lived yesterday, but of course my life is also the future. People that […]

James Web Telescope, amazing!

Article by Interesting Engineering, Inc. 2022. The telescope will align its mirrors before moving to its final destination. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has just completed its most critical task, unfolding its 21 feet (6.5 m) wide concave-shaped, gold-plated primary mirror on Saturday, 14 days after its long-delayed launch on December 25th, NASA announced in […]