#Believe, is the most powerful tool.
To Believe, is the most powerful tool in the world, if you use it right. You can have faith in something, but if you do not believe, it may be worthless. The power of believing has created great landmarks in the world. I do not have much faith in religions, but I am fascinated about […]
Why Should we believe in #Donate to #Charity?
Every year, people in the West donate tons of used clothes to poor countries. But a large part of the clothes is in such poor condition that they end up directly in the dump or are thrown in nature. At the Katmandu market in Ghana’s capital Accra, clothes that has been donated from all over […]
Let´s talk about football !
Curt Bergsten, author of #The Power your Quality Thinking and #Power your Time Zones. The Premier League club Chelsea was put up for sale by Russian owner Roman Abramovich before he was sanctioned following his country’s invasion of Ukraine. The last bid has been the incredible amount of 2.405 million euro (€2,4 billion). Football has […]
Russia’s failure has led to a more brutal war…..
As I wrote in my previous article, Russia is waging a war that is outdated. President Putin has chosen a “rational” war more likely to the failure of the Nazis in World War II. He has shown himself as a power-mad dictator who runs a country he has not been able to govern, therefore he […]
How do oligarchs exercise political power?
Oligarchy is a form of government where political power effectively rests with a small, elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family or military prowess). The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for “few” and “rule”. Oligarchs keep their riches out of state coffers through the ‘Wealth Defense Industry.’ This is the cadre […]
Traditional war is outdated by a new TimeZone!
An intelligence war by IA, is a much better solution than what Mr. Putin at this moment are using against Urania today. The mass destruction of buildings and killing people should be banned and only remembered in the history books. With the high intelligence we have today, a war can easily be won against another […]
Most wars are the result of misunderstanding.
#TIMEZONE Yesterday’s angry speech by Vladimir Putin was about rewriting the history of Ukraine. “You didn’t want us to be friends, but you didn’t have to make an enemy of us”, he addressed. The peace treaty negotiations between the countries who were involved in World War II resulted in a magnification of miscommunication and awareness […]
Follow up on Sun storms.
We have heard about the loss of more than 40 Starlink satellites, caused by geomagnetic storms caused by high activities on our sun, that happened between the 6th of February and the 10th of February this year, 2022. ( https://windmush.com/2022/02/10/sun-storms/ ). What we don’t know much about, is other effects that this sun storms will […]
How do we know Covid vaccines are safe?
Safety trials begin in the lab, with tests and research on cells and animals, before moving on to human studies. The principle is to start small and only move to the next stage of testing if there are no outstanding safety concerns. But we still don’t know the origins of the Covid19! …..Are we all […]
Sun Storms
Elon Musk perderá 40 satélites de Starlink y no podrá hacer nada para evitarlo